Know to who Invented

Shivam Thorat
Computer Engineering

Pranit Dhumal
Computer Engineering

Varun Thakare
Computer Engineering

Sunny Gawali
Computer Engineering


How to Login?


Create Teacher Sign up

Welcome to our Teacher Sign-up! Join our community of educators and empower the next generation by sharing your knowledge and passion for learning

Teacher Sign In

Effortlessly manage attendance with our Teacher Sign In, streamlining the process for educators to track and monitor student attendance online.

Generate OTP

Generate an auto OTP for swift student attendance within 15 seconds, ensuring a quick and secure method for students to validate their presence.


Retrieve the list of present students in PDF format, including their roll numbers and names, for convenient and organized attendance records

Create Student Data

Efficiently organize student information with unique roll numbers and names, facilitating streamlined record-keeping for seamless academic management

Student Sign In

Securely access your academic profile with our Student Sign In using your assigned roll number and password, ensuring personalized and protected entry to your educational account.

Enter OTP

Swiftly enter the OTP provided by your teacher within 15 seconds to validate your attendance, ensuring a quick and efficient process for tracking student presence.

Online Attendance Details

In the era of digital education and remote learning, the traditional methods of taking attendance have undergone a paradigm shift. The emergence of a Web-Based Attendance System marks a revolutionary step in streamlining and modernizing the attendance tracking process for educational institutions.

This innovative system leverages the power of web technology to provide a convenient and efficient way for teachers to monitor and record student attendance in virtual classrooms. Unlike manual methods that are susceptible to errors and time-consuming, the Web-Based Attendance System offers a seamless, automated, and real-time solution.
Teachers, as administrators of this system, can easily initiate attendance sessions through a web interface, generating unique session-specific codes. Students, in turn, log in to their accounts through the web platform, entering the designated code within a specified time frame to register their attendance. This process not only enhances accuracy but also significantly reduces the administrative burden on educators, allowing them to focus more on the core of teaching.

The system is designed with security in mind, incorporating features such as code rotation for each session, time constraints on code validity, and robust user authentication protocols. As education embraces the digital frontier, the Web-Based Attendance System becomes an indispensable tool, fostering a more organized, reliable, and secure approach to tracking student participation in virtual classrooms. This introduction heralds the advent of a new era in attendance management, where the convergence of education and technology enhances the overall learning experience.

Simplify Attendance: Achieve More
with Fast and Easy Online Tracking.